Thursday, March 30, 2006

Look Mom...Windy Can't Hurt Me Now!!!!

This was probably the only time that Jonathan had control over Windy. If he had known that she was going to terrorize his life, he probably would have left her there and had a nice, calm, pleasant life as the only child.


Windy Smith said...

Nah, he would have just burned the house down for excitement. He would have been really lonely without me there.

Caci said...

what beautiful children!! They look so sweet and innocent there! Also, is that Dawson or what???????

Patti said...

I know this is not a cool place to put this information, but has anyone noticed that Jonathan has his blog link on my page? Please overlook his iniabiliaty to spell. Maybe he will utilize the spel cheque, but I really don't think spelling correctly is a major concern of his. He figures that since most of us love to solve puzzles, we will enjoy the challenge of decoding his writing.

Caci said...

I hadn't noticed...I will look for it!